Мне пришла в голову мысль: собирать все интересное, что попадается в сети за день, в один пост. С одной стороны, так проще поделиться с другими - вдруг кому-то еще интересно? А с другой - останется для себя и не потеряется.Я перечитываю
Tilting at Windmills by DragonLady, фанфик по
Criminal Minds.
Подробности и цитатыСюжет построен вокруг дела, которое расследует команда BAU в родном городе Хотча и которое оказывается с Хотчем связано. Воображаемые пейринги - практически со всеми; реально - пре-слэш Хотч/Рид, на который при желании можно закрыть глаза. Ангст, херт/комфорт, автор мучает Хотча как может.
Начало первой главы заслуживает отдельного внимания: Рид, Прентисс и Хотч на светском приеме - масса шуток и комментариев по поводу происходящего. Можно читать отдельно от всего остального. Цитата:
"I'm wondering if it's possible to kill yourself with stemware," Hotch replied dryly, lifting the untouched champagne glass in his hand.
"Smash the flute into the balcony to break it off at the stem," Emily replied without hesitation. "Then drive it into your temple by falling on it. You can try smashing the globe to make a knife, but cutting your own jugular can be tricky. The artery in your wrist is under too many tendons to cut before someone can stop you." Hotch and Reid stared at her mutely. "I spent a lot of time at these things when I was young."
Из главы 2:
"Secondly, accomplishment releases dopamine in the brain, and appreciation or approval from others releases opioids. Both create feelings of happiness and well-being; the biological payout for our efforts. When we catch the unsub and/or save a victim, that's the dopamine. We share the sense of reward with each other, thus creating a secondary opioid release. When we're down and Hotch tries to help us, we feel that he values or appreciates us, and the subsequent opioid release makes us feel better. Hotch has then achieved a goal and since we approve of him helping, he then receives both a dopamine and an opioid release. Testosterone creates a 'hunger' for dopamine in the brain, which is why men tend to be more success-driven than their female counterparts. Haley, on the other hand, seems to use guilt or nagging as her primary method of getting Hotch to do what she wants. Since Hotch often cannot fulfill her request -- namely, to leave the field -- he experiences a feeling of failure, which releases various stress hormones and neurotransmitters. After failing to meet her request, Hotch is then in 'the doghouse' when he returns home, which triggers another feeling of failure and more stress hormones and neurotransmitters. The high stress/failure response increases the testosterone-amplified drive for dopamine and/or opioids. So, the next time there's a case or one of us is having a crisis--"
"--He is even more inclined to respond, which starts the whole cycle over again," Morgan said slowly. Reid nodded, aglow with the satisfaction of teaching a concept. "So Hotch sucks at boundaries because of biology."
"Helping or saving others is his primary source of dopamine/opioid release. We naturally want to do things that we know will make us feel better, so Hotch is drawn to helping because his brain knows chances are better than they're not that there's a payoff at the end. Being with Haley has much less of a chance of producing a payout."
"It's simplistic to lay all the problems in my marriage at the feet of biochemistry," Hotch said, exiting the bathroom.
Рикки-т-Тави в ЖЖ
делится интересными наблюдениями:
Если вам приспичило сделать что-то неправильное - делайте это только один раз. Если вы сделали это пару раз, сцепите зубы и не оступитесь в третий. Удерживайтесь на этой грани. Ну уж если вы сделали и попались три раза - не удивляйтесь, не думайте себе - "это же только три раза" - это теперь называется "всегда".О мужчинах, склонных к домашнему насилию: почитать для общей эрудиции и в контексте CM.
tahry пишет про
инвентаризацию чувств. Хочу почитать повнимательнее позже.
что интересного в сети