В общем и целом - наверное, аниме мне все-таки понравилось больше. Но книга по-своему прелестна.
Замечания по ходу чтения, или Sophie strikes again
ДеФФаческое: Хаул в зеленых соплях! *растекается лужицей* Между прочим, в книге Софи Хаула сама мыла. (Правда, не снимая со стула )
Соционическое: какой
[Howl]"Yes, something is wrong. The King has asked me officially to find his brother for him-with a strong hint that destroying the Witch of the Waste would come in handy too-and you all sit there and laugh!"
By now it was clear that Howl was in a mood to produce green slime any second. Sophie hurriedly put her sewing away. "I'll make some hot buttered toast," she said.
"Is that all you can do in the face of tragedy?" Howl asked. "Make toast!"
. . .
Howl's voice was presently heard shouting weakly, "Help me, someone! I'm dying from neglect up here!"
Sophie snorted. Michael left off working on his new spell and ran up and downstairs. Things became very restless. In the time it took Sophie to sew ten more blue triangles Michael ran upstairs with lemon and honey, with a particular book, with cough mixture, with a spoon to take the cough mixture with, and then with nose drops, throat pastilles, gargle, pen, paper, three more books, and an infusion of willow bark.
WKшное: а потом они завели цветочный магазин... *нервный смех* Разумеется. мозги немедленно начали прикидывать, кто за кого.лечицца, немедленно лечицца И прикинули...
Хаул - Йоджи, разумеется.
Софи - Оми (незаметный стратегический лидер)
Микаэль - Кен (больше ни на что не годится)
А Кальцифер у нас, выходит, "огонь и лед" - Айя Фудзимия Звездочка наша падшая
Current music: HiM - Gone With The Sin